The current coronavirus pandemic has led to organisations having to develop new strategies allowing their employees to continue working but now from home, and as effectively as possible. With the increase of remote workers, we are now starting to see an increase in online security threats as a result, so companies need to find ways for employees to work from home safely.

Remote access can be handled through protocols such as Windows remote desktop (also known as Windows RDP)– allowing users to access a remote desktop within the company’s internal network. The drawback of this platform is that it allows your employees to access your company’s network by opening your network to the entire internet. Thus increasing the risk of security breaches.

Thankfully there is a way to allow organisations to provide employees secure access to company network resources without leaving it vulnerable and open to security attacks, therefore enabling them to work from home safely. This is done through VPN technology (Virtual Private Networks).

More about VPN Systems

A VPN – short for Virtual private network provides a secure link between employees and businesses by encrypting and scanning data. Dependent on the method of termination used and in conjunction with a UTM device there are further security benefits to be made.  For e.g. malicious software such as viruses can be detected and mitigated.

To avoid security risks companies should ensure they are set up to capture metrics about the performance and availability of their VPN services. Ask yourself “When was the last time you took the time to look at your VPN logs?” This process will allow you to detect any compromises of VPN connections and accounts. In principle, now is the time where it is easier to spot compromised accounts, with employees working from home you should be able to spot any irregular VPN usage pattern for each user working from home.

Here’s a deeper look at how a VPN (Virtual private network) works to help enable employees to work from home safely. A VPN uses encryption and other security mechanisms to scramble (otherwise known as encrypting) data when it is sent over a public network. The encryption process now makes the data unreadable. A strong VPN will ensure that only authorised users can access the network and that the data cannot be intercepted.

A VPN will stop cyber criminals seeing your company’s remote service on the internet, therefore reducing risk of interception of communications between your employees and your network.

Your devices

Ensure you are protecting your devices whether it is your laptop, tablet or smart phone. Devices can be prime targets for cyber criminals as soon as you access the internet even more so when you are on a public network. A VPN will protect the data you send and receive on your device putting a stop to hackers watching your every move.

With many VPN solutions out there make sure you do your homework to choose the right one for your needs. Regardless of which provider you choose, a VPN, in conjunction with other technology will ensure that you comply with security standards to help you and your employees work from home safely.  Contact Axians C&C today where we can offer support for VPN enquiries and challenges.